


Founded in 2011, StorONE spent its first eight years rewriting the old obsolete storage algorithms and flattening the outdated storage IO stack to create the Enterprise Storage Platform (S1). The S1 platform provides minimum TCO, maximum data protection, and optimal workload placement for all data center use cases.

StorONE founders are proven, successful entrepreneurs who boast over 50 patent awards. Top-tier industry luminaries and strategic investors back the company. The S1 Storage Platform changes the perception of data center storage from an IT cost center to a resource that provides organizations with a critical competitive advantage. The StorONE headquarters are in New York, with offices in Fort Worth TX, Tel Aviv, and Singapore.

Expect Better Storage

StorONE delivers better storage. We significantly lower storage total cost of ownership (TCO) for any storage use case by providing an efficient storage engine that allows you to tap into the full potential of your storage hardware. Our S1:Enterprise Storage Platform (simplifies the entire storage infrastructure by supporting all-protocols and use cases while delivering uncompromising data protection.


StorONE started from scratch. We spent eight years developing our storage engine. We have re-written and flattened the entire IO stack into a single layer, highly efficient storage engine. Your applications and users have much closer access to the physical hardware with StorONE. We also created an IO Orchestration Algorithm that coordinates IO interaction. Hence, the critical features like volume management, thin provisioning, media protection, snapshots, and replication all work together in harmony on IO so that these features do not impact performance.


Product Features

With StorONE, you will experience a better storage outcome:

  • Maximum per drive performance - hundreds of thousands of IOPS from 8 SSDs
  • Maximum per drive capacity utilization - Run your S1 Platform at 90% or greater capacity
  • Maximum RAID Rebuild performance - Recover high- capacity hard drive volumes in two hours, flash drive volumes in 4 minutes.
  • All Protocols - All Use Cases - Future Ready -
  • ONE Platform